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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

'Turbulence Training'

I felt inspired to blog after visiting thelilaclegacy (Simple Stories on my sidebar). [=>If you didn't know, the photo on top changes every time you click it.]

However, I don't feel particularly thoughtful or inspired right now, so I will just post whatever pops into mind along the way... You might be wondering what does 'turbulence training' mean. I got this term from one of my friends in FT (foreign talent??) and it was his plan to live a healthier life and become fitter. He was on the chubby side and was hoping to melt some of that fat and clear his second-year IPPT with flying colours. Unfortunately for him, his plan fell flat a month after announcing his proposed diet of wheat biscuits and six small meals per day. He has been back to canteen food and other junk since then.

Similarly for me, I am embarking on phase one of this training, which should involve the limiting of leisure usage of the Internet and generally the computer to a minimal amount of time per day, eating less and exercising more. Of course, the limitation of computer usage will only be in place outside of camp. How long can I last? One of the forceful measures I will be putting in place is free parental control software. And I will be embarking on another unnamed project online that ought to keep my attention.

However, this is not to say I will stop going out for food and whatnot; it just means I will snack less in between meals. I am most definitely looking forward to meet-ups, especially after March. Found this. Hope to check this out soon. Am hungry!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

I may not be brave

But I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me