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Tuesday 6 January 2009

Dweams :))

We should live out our dreams, not in.

I had a strange but sweet dream yesterday night. It started with me and a fellow archer shooting, but in a classroom aiming at the whiteboard at point blank range. Then I talked to her just as she was about to release the arrow and she screeched (not literally, no (: ) at me for being a distraction, then I poked her. >_> Okay this is not the strange part.

Then a classroom setting. Chem lesson. An officer of the Kempeitai finished chatting to his subordinate and came in for class. Miss Archer and I were sitting together. Mr. Kempeitai taught stuff like what can be inferred from a dark solution:

“If the solution is dark, it rejects shimmering light particles and can be inferred to be mild water. An example of mild water is turkey water.”
Then the questions came:
“Name 3 solutions to drink if a teacher wants you to confess to heinous crimes.”
I think I dreamt that I was going to sleep, because when Dad woke me up I felt as if I had just lied down on my bed with my arms in a ‘V’ shape.
Sunny didn't upgrade me to a 30lbs! ):