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Friday 23 January 2009

Please Do Not Say...

This to girls: "You are flat." Since the bosom is usually considered an aspect of a female's physical beauty, saying that means you are conveying a message directly across to her that she is lacking in certain areas. That is not nice. No one does things like saying "You are not pretty/suave."

Ok random thoughts spiralling across my brain today.

Some of the 4A kids came back. VJC had their CNY celebrations so they had an early dismissal. My squadmates missed DHS and me so they came back. *感动到流眼泪* As usual wenkai was being wenkai-ish and gregory was behaving in an amatuerish fashion. Really, I thought you had grown up. Maybe it was just your physical appearance. Your obnoxious airs greatly bother me so.

Happy CNY! Linwei if you happened to see this don't eat too much bak kwa!