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Sunday 18 January 2009


Call me a beatnik, but I wouldn't give a hoot if I have to go through the looner niu ear without new clothes. CNY had and have no significance to me - the red packets are nice lump sums of cash, but in the end they are our parents' money; the visits are routine and monotonous; the food is getting moth-eaten. I rather spend the money on archery equipment or save it for rainy days.

Getting caught up by last minute work now. Some of my writers have yet to submit their articles, while at the moment everything is quite screwed up. I have to do entire articles which are assigned but not done, while promised articles are really not even finished yet - whether due to tardiness or not I'm not sure. Someone commented I should just concentrate on my test tomorrow and finish up my schoolwork and heckcare about the rest.

I detest that kind of indifference. It is detestable to me, for it is the essence of self-centredness and lack of responsibility. And besides, I am not in such a nice and comfy position to do that. I have to answer to my in-charge. Maybe that's the difference between you and me.