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Wednesday 1 April 2009

CSC Farewell

Today was CSC's cute little farewell, sending us the beloved seniors away on a Journey to the 'A's. So there were pizzas and chocolatey biscuits, and hopefully some sense of nostalgia.

Perhaps in CSC at this level everyone knew each other and there weren't much 同生共死 activities to ride out, so we couldn't get into the mood of sobbing into a puddle of tears. But the impromptu reflection was varied and sinuous, with Elvis posing questions like an interviewer. Were we all born detached and impersonal, to be cultivated with kind surroundings to become a moral soul? Or did we come to this pragmatic world with an evil streak in us?

And dear Lyon was like in a quandary! Her kind soul was mesmerised by the symposium of altruism and good-heartedness in this pragmatic society, but there was Dance too! :S

But anw anw, our nice chairperson still managed to churn out literature for the members! Oh talking about nice, here's something about Lyonic Reasoning: Cookies are nice. Sam is nice. Therefore Sam is Cookies. In case you are wondering if Cookies refers to somebody, they are...really cookies.

Wing: "Lyon Lyon have you seen Sam?"
Lyon: "No I haven't but do you want some cookies?" (What's the link?? xD)
Wing: "..."
Lyon: "They're really nice!"

Oh so this is the literature I received:

This reminds me of an NP song: On The First Day Of NP
On the first day of NP, my CI gave to me
1) A mango and papaya tree
On the second day of NP, my CI gave to me
2) Two coconuts and a mango and papaya tree
3) Three jackfruits ...

So it was like:

On the last day of CSC my chairman gave to me
1) Some lingo and papers of three (3 pieces of paper)
On the last day of CSC my club gave to me
2) Two sweets and some lingo and papers of three
On the last dayof CSC my chairman said to me
3) In-efficient!...

Anw anw, thanks to Mr Tan SH, Miss Christine Tan for the past guidance, especially during periods of unrest and difficulty. Thanks to the year 5s for a cute little farewell, even when they may never see this. I hope they will take the time to read what we left behind. :) Thanks to CSC, for providing some insights into life as a whole (or hole?), and getting into touch with the sometimes little-cared for part of the community.