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Saturday 12 September 2009

Black tar

I have decided to keep a diary, then I have neglected that intention; then I retrieved it from its lonely corner, and dusted it off, looking at a sprightly cover that hid the melancholy inside. There was no real sadness, but no authentic joy either. It was a book which I relegated to my darkest thoughts in my darkest hours, which are marred with bright spots. Because there exist people who refuse to let one of their kind go to waste, or darken his hours with a charcoal pen.

But similarly there exist people who not only give you thick charcoal markers but also spray fixatives such that your whiteboard is vandalised, and permanently so. It would seem as though their lives depend on it. They may not do it intentionally, rather, most of the time they spread their pessimism around them unknowingly, marking their territory, and invading yours.

P.S. 小明还在休假。

Tuesday 8 September 2009



今天,并没有很特别的事情发生。不过俗话说:“人生无常,不可虚度” 云云。所以虽然虚度了这一天,也必须把它添油加醋一番,弄得好像趣味无穷。这不叫诈骗,只是精彩的叙述。所以呢。。


下个站,竟有美女上车!我憋着气,希望她注意我。最终,这憋气的功夫是白费了。嗨,真没 Lady luck! 今天搭巴士,还以为会有艳遇,哪知没有艳遇,倒碰上了瘟神一个,我埋怨着。什么瘟神,你好奇地问。美女坐在我前面后(到底是前还是后??),本来想叹气,突然身旁出现一个怪叔叔。
