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Sunday 1 November 2009

A post in passing

Now the examinations are coming in a week's time, and 3 months after the end I am getting enlisted. Then after 2 years I will be studying again, and 4 years later I will be structurally unemployed, then hopefully 2 months later I will be lawfully and happily employed, because I can finally take some of the load off my parents' shoulders. 5 years later I start to think about my career progression. Am I in the right kind of job? Am I really happily employed? 10 years later I am at the peak of my career, and at the age where one is 'too young to retire, too old to work'...

I spent some time watching TV today, not something I should be doing, but anyway. There was this quote:

Steve Jobs also said, only on looking back was he able to 'connect the dots'. Looking back he was able to see how his life went from dropping out of college, to being fired from Apple, to going back, and now.

I am no Jobs. The only thing I have similar to him is that our parents are from the working class.

All the more I have to buck up. I cannot see my future. But I will need to hold on to something - is it a dream? A goal? I do, though it is not feasible, not quite possible, but it is something in this crazy world for me to hold on to.