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Monday 7 December 2009


Went to play Left 4 Dead 2 yesterday; was easily the noobest guy around, dying the most number of times and always requiring assistance. In the end we switched to easy mode and even then only one guy survived the campaign.

Wanted to go out today, but ended up configuring the mac, spending hours figuring out why the FAT32 partition wouldn't work, why XP couldn't install, turning to NTFS in the end, installing XP after assuming that it should be SP2, and then getting wireless to work. Not leading a very fulfilling or meaningful life, you would say, but enriching enough. And going out with friend tmr.

And that's about all. My life of fingertip exercises.

Edit: The 9400M coupled with the P8400 2.26 GHz (not to mention the DDR3-1067 RAM) can handle Left 4 Dead (not 2) at a combination of high and medium settings, if you can tolerate the occasional screen freeze, that is. The frame rate is acceptable for average gamers, but it should run better if you turn down the eye candy to a hybrid of medium and low settings.

And eh, after using snow leopard for a couple of days, I have to say that I love the interface, and even more so the effort Apple put into manufacturing their products. But deep down I am still a windows user, having used it for the rest of my life minus 2 days minus the days I did not know what a computer is. I might switch in the future, but not turn into a fanboy who advertises for Apple for free.