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Thursday 28 April 2011


DTG: 281430
Location: HQ SWI
Activity: Reading/journaling in bunk

Finally, a break in such a long week. But I guess it was an even longer week for the trainees of Juliet Company. Just two weeks ago I clenched my fist victoriously and said 'yes!' in front of the noticeboard outside my bunk. I have been happily posted to Bravo Company foundation term. The next day it was confirmed that I have been transferred to professional term. Oh no! Still, there were some things that I would not have learnt if I had stayed on in this foundation term.

I have not written a decent article for a rather long period of time, nor had I felt like writing one. I have lost the intrinsic motivation to do things which were previously enjoyable to me for quite some time, such as acrylic painting, cow doodles, making simple notepads etc. There are now tons of unrealised ideas stashed away in my hard drive, such as painting Billy 'Joe' Armstrong of Greenday; making cards, envelopes and notebooks for fund-raising ventures; putting up my amateur paintings into an online gallery and setting up a blog for volunteer projects. I did set up a blog, but I wrote 'Under Construction' since a few months ago and left it at that.

Of late I have difficulty concentrating on tasks at hand or listening to long conversations - mission Ops Orders, team briefings and the like. The moment a briefing extends beyond 10 minutes my mind wanders and I would catch myself two or three minutes later. I also suffer from a lack of short-term memory.

On a rather irrelevant note, while looking through random Wikipedia articles I discovered that I may possess Hyperfocus.