A failed birthday surprise? Got caught by the protagonist in the act of linking up with fellow perpetrator... Haha! You spoiled the surprise yourself!
So if school starts in July, I've got to prepare myself for things I have been avoiding... Got to be tough and have some self-discipline, and toss some of that awkwardness out of the window. Tighten my belt and pull up my socks, so to speak. Cheehow mentioned something about a part-time degree, but I shrugged that notion off. Too difficult for me. Then there will be a period whereby everyone is enjoying their orientation camps and looking forward to a new life, while I'll be worrying about starting off school on the wrong foot?
Been wanting to volunteer my remaining free weekdays away but that's not going to happen anytime soon because the volunteer schemes require me to be 'of age'. So October you'd better come soon then I will have better opportunities coming by.
Yup, just trying to get by. My life feels like a field camp - counting the days towards 'exercise cut', always running on 50% battery and getting by on mucky rations.