Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Loss II
Losing has its benefits. Either for the winner or loser. For the smart and optimistic loser a defeat simply spurs him on to retrieve what he had lost. For the weak simpleton, a defeat is the end of the world, but it is also a bonus for the winner - to see his opponent fall on his knees, crushed and demoralised. It is an added satisfaction, to see the extent of the damage that he can exert.
A loss is only something that one has failed to gain.
Friday, 20 March 2009
'You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.What have you lost? Nothing!' -Eric Idle (Monty Python)
Losses ae vicissitudes; to live one's life with a preparedness to lose is exhausting. It is too much of a burden to have this mentality forever switched on. Of course, we should not live in complacency and believe in a naive manner - that what (or really, who) we possess will steadfastly stay by our side.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
1) My stomach used to have 2 shades of colour, so it was slightly darker on one side than the other.
2) I am left-handed. My font slants towards the right, like italics.
3) One of my eyes is smaller. Inherited from great-grandpa. Haiya I have small eyes anyway.
4) As a kid I had fantastical dreams of becoming an army officer.
5) I scrimp on food to save for something material that I really like. Something I doubt my PWmates will do! :D
6) I have no appetite in the morning.
7) Even when Wing communicates using msn or sms, I can hear her voice inside my head. Strange.
8) I have a sudden inclination to study biomechanics and work at Singapore Sports Council as a Sports Biomechanist, which is mostly impossible.
9) I also have a sudden inclination to study product design and design mobile phones (that won't have easily-damaged scroll wheels). But I have absolutely no inkling of how to use CAD/Photoshop; another impossible inclination.
10) I always wear size 32 pants. I don't know why; they seem to fit perfectly when I don them during a purchase. They then proceed to droop when I go to school. A lot. Ahh, the gravity in school is 99999ms-2.
11) I can't sing, at all. Please don't drag me to teoheng or kbox. I will just curl up and die.
12) Back in Sec 2 I really like indoor soccer boots, so I made a promise to myself that as long as I can play on the same level as Greg I would get a cheap variant. Alas, that day never came. I have 2 left feet and can never play sports. Or dance. Yep, or dance.
13) I have a violence tendency, I think. Especially towards little kids. When I was young I saw a kiddo peep at someone changing at an apparel store (unintentionally of course, or he was really horny). I had the insane urge to dangle him upside down at that time. Then there the noisy kids on the train... (If they were cute they were forgivable.)
14) Extremely disorganised is me. I only start packing up when I don't have any tables left in the house to study at.
15) I used to bully june bugs. I regret that. It haunts me. When I think of it.
16) I used to bully ants too. Maybe it made me feel powerful to lord over insects. Since I was being bullied in primary school. Nah I wasn't. Only twice.
17) I can't take crustaceans. Prawns and crabs. And yabbies. They give me an itchy throat. Don't adore them anyway.
18) Sweet corn is a reminder of my quiet, stumbling self in kindergarten.
19) Was an NP kid.
20) Have more polo tees than T-shirts (haha yeah it's the "xC shirts").
21) No slippers! Prefers shoes.
22) I have a terrapin..
23) (Getting shorter...) Dislikes coloured canvas shoes. Sneakers are nicer.
24) Hates running. D:
25) This one's for Wing: I am Ving *solemnly* (or vin$$, kaya, angel, or whatever)
Yikes, time for a haircut! D:
Sunday, 15 March 2009
I need some life maintainence. Nope, not chicken soup for the soul, but physiological fixes, patches and upgrades. I look healthy and rosy and brown outside, but lurking deep down I suspect a gathering of tapeworms and other fluffy monstrous creatures, in connivance to wreak havoc on my physical form.
An average Joe can see I'm in extremely poor form. I tired easily, have short attention span, oily face, and the occasional chest aches. Not counting the instances when my heart goes 200 miles per hour. It's pretty scary. I wonder what my mindef medical checkup will say. Oh I got a further reporting order from mindef; says that I failed to register on the ns portal. What a joke. Screwed-up website.
Argh. I got a headache, and my phone is spoilt. My smses!! D:
I'm not a hardcore fan of reading horoscopes, but here's one for Scorpios today:
"...really wants to get to know you, but that stone-cold veneer is impenetrable."
Ahh, am I a frosty person? Cold and not emotive? It's just that I cannot express myself properly :)