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Sunday 15 March 2009


NUS Open House wasn't extremely exciting, but I now am more affirmed of the various faculties.
I need some life maintainence. Nope, not chicken soup for the soul, but physiological fixes, patches and upgrades. I look healthy and rosy and brown outside, but lurking deep down I suspect a gathering of tapeworms and other fluffy monstrous creatures, in connivance to wreak havoc on my physical form.

An average Joe can see I'm in extremely poor form. I tired easily, have short attention span, oily face, and the occasional chest aches. Not counting the instances when my heart goes 200 miles per hour. It's pretty scary. I wonder what my mindef medical checkup will say. Oh I got a further reporting order from mindef; says that I failed to register on the ns portal. What a joke. Screwed-up website.

Argh. I got a headache, and my phone is spoilt. My smses!! D:
I'm not a hardcore fan of reading horoscopes, but here's one for Scorpios today:
"...really wants to get to know you, but that stone-cold veneer is impenetrable."
Ahh, am I a frosty person? Cold and not emotive? It's just that I cannot express myself properly :)