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Friday 22 May 2009


Of late I have been feeling cranky and disordered (not that I don't often feel messed up, but anyway it is more intense now). After showing some symptoms of mental disorders I took it upon myself to do some research to check my nutcase status. The first search term was


But it further led to
"Paranoid personality disorder"
"Obessessive-compulsive disorder"
"Mental disorder"


Blah blah blah. But instead of spending too much time in my head fathoming about abominable psychological crises I decided to dedicate this post to a heartfelt friend, whose dad got into a tricky situation recently.

A sometimes-regular visitor to his settlement/establishment, I would run into Mr. Dad once in a while. He was the kind of dad who gave curt nods and had an icy demeanor, and everytime Mr. Dad made his ominous appearance I would hurriedly bid my goodbyes and make moxious escapes out of his unfathomable aura. Secretly I wondered if he might scold me for looking at his fish, watching his TV, and breathing his oxygen. But of course, I also made his son change from an obnoxious errant rogue to a goodish (but still obnoxious) young man, so maybe he mightn't.

Mr. Dad and Ex-rogue didn't exactly have an extremely rosy father-son relationship, and sometimes they argued over what seemed like major issues, until Mr. Dad was hospitalised.

And then he learnt he loved him, in this terrible fashion, and fortunately Mr. Dad was not too ill, and Ex-rogue was relieved.

Now why am I writing all this out..

Love your family.