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Sunday 3 May 2009

An update of my boring life in Sillypore

Rarh have been immersed in thinkquest these few days, eyes staring at screen for a few hours at a stretch. I'm surprised my notebook can take it, operating more than 10 to 13 hours without rest each time, given that the engine heats up to over 70 deg at full throttle and stews around at 50 deg in power saver mode (provided it's not plugged in). My keys look extraordinarily worn out now, and so are my fingers, blistering due to ELCWK: Extremely Long Contact With Keyboard.

Okay they are not blistering, but my eyes are. And my head is. My peers are doing probability and chemistry revision and whatnot, as what Wing reminded me what I should be doing, and I am on the com for 5 eighths of my day. I'm not complaining! It's just that my head spins when I think of the work waiting. And months after I finished that work and did my 'A's, then after that? It pains me just to think that my maximum effort is only someone else's minimal. What are my chances in this competitive society?


Rarh gotta go bathe my sweaty armpits. It's sweltering hot! ''._.'' (sweat droplets on both sides of my face)