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Saturday 17 October 2009


So I'm back. And I got this desire to stay outside as long as possible, to escape from the reality that TQ Live 09 was over and everyone had left a quickly diminishing footprint upon me and left... The same feeling was there on 070707 POP, and Inner Mongolia 08.

"I thought I didn't like routines, but the wake-up-at-six-and-go-occ was a routine after all. And I kinda like it. I had to say bye to hearty meals, nice people like Albert and Jomay (stylo name), and return to hot humid Singapore and stop promoting Singlish because it is bad; and the stress and things to do come rushing back in a tidal wave. It doesn't matter; I shall wave them aside casually and sit down to work.

"On this last night half of me longed to rest, and the pillows are so cooling and soft, too! The other half didn't dare to sink into transient unconsciousness, not daring to see the night go by, and it does go by fast enough for one to crick one's neck while trying to turn to see what is going on.

"I woke up with the feeling of loss gone. The excitement of getting the silver notebook housed in solid aluminium was long off."

I don't like the sudden acceleration a plane makes when it is on the runway. It makes me feel I am leaving behind things and people.