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Sunday 27 December 2009

A tab abuser is you!

Mervyn has kindly provided me with a guide to undervolting:

It should be useful for those with heat issues on your notebooks. Because notebook manufacturers would not want you to toy about and overclock your machines (and you would be crazy to want to overclock your notebook anyway) the CPU multipliers come locked and you would not be able to adjust voltage supplied and/or physical clock frequency. As a result you would also not be able to reduce the voltage supplied via the BIOS. According to the guide standard VCORE factory settings of CPUs are sometimes too high, so you might want to reduce them to lower your CPU temperature. Doing so will increase not only your battery life on the go, but also the life of your hardware components in the long run.

*Remember: Water is the number one killer of notebooks; heat is the second.

*Statistics all doctored by me and me alone.

As a comparison with my Acer, below is a screenshot of Orthos CPU Loader running and the measurement of my sister's Toshiba Portege:

All this while running the computer smoothly. I have been complaining about this machine since forever. It was very sluggish! But after running Orthos for more than 20 minutes it is apparent that the system lives up to its Centrino Duo 2 label; the maximum temperature hovers around 44 deg celsius.