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Thursday 24 December 2009

This is thegatheroffood

After two years of inactivity, dhsnpccncos0607 sprang into action once again! What can I say, it was a whale of a time. At first it was decided on seoul garden, but the price was too steep, so we changed to another buffet-style eatery, which had roughly the same price, and extra charges for ice cream! Being mindful of my distended stomach I had to watch what I eat, but still we managed to stay there for 3 hours?

And uh, gift exchange! I got stuffs from jolene while huiling got my stuffs. And we spent the night being a bunch of rowdy kids (qiwen would be greatly displeased). Greg flaunted his charm when getting two ladies to take a photo with; winky charmed a hot woman too. And jumping jacks in the middle of an open area for a forfeit? I would be just too shy. :]

okay let's bake cake tmr. Tmr I will get my MioTV setup box. Not very keen though.

Edit: I got a very nice dream by sleeping on the sofa, in return for a spltting headache and a sore skull. A pity the pain is real and the dream will never come true.