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Sunday 21 February 2010

Brocade Guards

Today is movie outing day! Seems like a movie outing day will become a permanent fixture of our lives for every week, until ORD. But why am I talking about ORDing? I have not even enlisted.

We watched 14 Blades, or 锦衣卫. There was one major disappointment with the movie, but there were the redeeming parts. The Brocade Guards were the secret police of the Ming Dynasty, the personal guards of the emperor. I watched the 制作特辑 beforehand, and was informed that the Jin Yi Wei existed in history, and that one difference between them and other guards was that they had many weapons - the 14 blades. The 14 blades were introduced at the very beginning, eight were reserved for torture and interrogation, five for killing and the last for suicide. But the letdown was that these detailed descriptions end here! I was waiting for more demonstrations of the 14 blades, so much that I thought Qing Long would commit suicide with the last blade after killing Xuan Wu. But Xuan Wu died rather ordinarily, far from the 两败俱伤 fight of Tuo Tuo and Qing Long.

After that we decided to burn a hole in our pockets by going to the coffee connoisseur. A cup of hot chocolate costs $6.20, while there was a 10% service charge, in addition to GST. The hot cafe latte tasted average for about the same price, but at least we got to talk. Someone was sticking out like a sore thumb in No.4 and backpack. >:D

Then another 140 dollars gone! I went to get my NS specs ($120 for 700 myopia, 75 astig for each eye) made and a budget Casio watch. Roy if you happen to read this my specs shop is Teck Yew at Kovan. My first pair was made there, and thereafter. Don't spend >200 on a pair of specs! Hahaha.