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Sunday 14 February 2010

I am not looking forward to visiting later on. It is a boring aspect of CNY. You are taken aback. You question me, aghast, does CNY not mainly involve visiting your friends and relatives? I am adamant, for I do not like crowds in an enclosed space, nor do I enjoy meeting strangers each new year, and then coming to an understanding that these unfamiliar faces either share the same surname as me, or at least have some amount of blood that runs the same in our veins.

I am also not accustomed to adults going gaga over a brat who refuses to take an angpao becasue it has an image of a girl on it and he's a boy. I don't find it extremely exhilarating, the only emotion I feel is wtf? This kid is rude.

On another note, happy Valentine's! Or friendship day. Or something.