I have started a new blog (see left)! Well it's not new - about one and a half year since it made its quiet debut - but I have started building its content, and by doing so I hope I can be spurred on to keep doing it. Makes sense? Take a look first. It's not great but I'm trying to improve. If one day it becomes/seems great to you please do share with your friends.
You may notice that my titles often don't coincide with their corresponding posts, so I will put more effort into thinking up more relevant titles, rather than words that describe my current moods or recent experiences. In today's case, I am referring to the moving images that are conjured in my mind when I read fiction books.
Do most people read like this?
When I do, I have a (bad) habit of skimming over the words - especially if the action gets fast but the sentences react disproportionately - and put more concentration into the visualisation and emotions of that exact moment. I find that I get a richer experience overall than when trying to absorb each word or character.
My choice of books of late includes those in the《四大名捕》series by 温瑞安 and my first ever 古龙 novel:《七种武器》. So far my impressions are that these titles deviate slightly from the good-triumphs-over-evil stories of loyalty and brotherhood from 金庸 that many people wish they can see in reality (but if so then books will be written about worlds in which evil triumphs over good instead).
Here's a screenshot to end off:
Google Translate fail
Also, the Bluetooth on my laptop has started showing signs of defiance. My wireless mouse has been denied all rights and I am back to the trackpad. On the bright side, my trackpad allows dragging now!