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Thursday 1 January 2009


Just popped back after an outing; it was cards, sing, cards and pool. Then we trooped down to dhoby ghaut to try to watch colourful explosions in the air. I was going "Oh there goes another million dollars of sparks!" Then Bedtime Stories was fun to watch, if not succinct, but then again some movies nowadays are rather simple in plot and brief on details.

Have you ever missed a friend so much, but when you see him or her you wouldn't know what, and how to say?

Came across this song in the KTV room - sounds sweet. I think dimples are really sweet =)



So 2008 is past, remnants of which still linger around in my head. Many occurences have been pushed rudely to the back, and I try not to touch them again. I call it looking forward, but really, deep down I know I am running away from my past mistakes and lousy experiences. Whatever, today is a new beginning. Every moment in life takes one breath away from you; are you going to waste more breaths sitting down and sighing your life away?


Now I try to find something substantial and non-superfluous that I find passion in, so that I can do it with gusto and excel in it, but sometimes it is ever so difficult to charge through adversities alone. We all have friends to help us through no doubt, but sometimes our friends have different goals in life. They have far different aspirations. And you get the occasional low-security friend who sticks to you when he is left out of the social circle. His sense of security is pitiful, and he desperately needs to feel involved. But when he is finally involved, getting his attention is harder than getting shit off a fly's hairy legs, and goodness knows how much of it there is. So he claims to be your friend, and all along you have tried accepting that. And when you finally do, you see his true character, in all its blatant glory =) Oh and when in doubt, tell the truth:

"I think you are fucked up and boorish".


But never mind all that, there is no time to sigh your life away. With every step we take we learn to live.